Friday, October 29, 2010

"Baby Hunger" & Elkanah: Part 3

All that to say, God may bless us with children, He may not. For now, He helps me to choose joy, to trust Him, and to wait on His timing. My biggest double portion from Him is John, who constantly gives me his own double portions, whether I remember to give him my gratitude or not.

If anyone reading this struggles or has struggled with infertility, remember that you’re not alone. Others before you (even thousands of years before you) struggled with it, others are struggling with it, and others will struggle with it in the future. God really does know what is best and His timing is perfect. But, more than anything, remember to appreciate your “double portion” that God places in your life. You may be having a hard time seeing it right now, but it’s there. If your marriage is struggling because of it, try to make it (the marriage) your priority. Men struggle too, even though they don’t always show/say it. So don’t be afraid to tell and show your husband how important he is to you. He needs to know, whether he expresses it or not. Don’t let your desire for a child burden your marriage down so much that it breaks from the strain. Love and appreciate each other. Allow God to work.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t try or anything. But wouldn’t it be far better to finally receive a child into a home (through pregnancy or adoption) that has a strong marriage than into a home where the marriage hangs on by a thread because of all the “baby” strain? If I have learned anything in recent years, it’s that a marriage sometimes hangs on “for the children”… until the children move out. Then what? It falls apart! Two people no longer feel connected because they don’t know who the other person is 20 years later. They haven’t truly invested in one another… in their relationship. The more unfortunate part is that they don’t really know how, because they haven’t practiced.

Don’t let this be your marriage. Keep working on your relationship, before, during, and after you have children. You made a covenant with your spouse. A COVENANT!!! If you make a daily choice to love your spouse and love on them and serve them (as Christ called us to serve each other) as best you can, regardless of those trials that will come (such as infertility, the daily struggles with as well as the deaths of friends and family, or, God forbid, the loss of a child), you will have your best friend right there by your side to help see you through it. If you don’t, you will only have a stranger… and the trial will, most likely, tear you apart.

Well... that's my rant for now. Guess I was trying to make up for lost time! =)


  1. I love you. And I am so proud of how you have listened to His gentle voice in this. I pray for you on this all the time and I won't stop.

  2. Thank you, dear friend! I know you are. Sometimes, it's the prayers and encouragement my friends give that get me through when it gets tough.

  3. Thanks for sharing your heart. Praying that you will continue to "choose joy".

  4. Thanks, Carol! Appreciate your prayers... and your friendship! =)

  5. Hey Gwen. I loved reading that. I know it can be hard to sit back and wait on God's timing especially in something like this.

    I dont know what your fertility issues are and if you are okay with the wait and see approach...but i do have a book I always recommend...Taking Charge of your Fertility...I have some excerpts from it on my blog if you have some free time.

    Anyway, I'll be praying for you. (and thanks for answering the question i wondered about too. LOL)
