But the moment I heard that little cry, those tears I couldn't hold back were because I knew - even without seeing him - my Samuel was here! And then, when John said he looked like Sean - our nephew - it was confirmed (as if I needed any more confirmation).
You see, the first dream I ever had of our son was over 9 years ago. In fact, it was just days before my nephew was born. The first time I saw Sean, I thought my dream must've been about him instead of our little boy, he looked so much like the boy we called Samuel in my dream. So when John said that while holding our son for the first time, well... I hope you can see the obvious connection. =)
Even though John brought him over to show me our son's sweet face, it was still a couple of hours before I got to hold him. But it was okay. No one had been told about all that had transpired... no one was waiting on us or to see him. We would tell people after I got to see him, as previously discussed/agreed/planned. But more than anything, I was at peace because my children were here. The children God had revealed to me in dreams over the last 9 years... they were BOTH here.
Samuel - "God has Heard" / "Instructed of God"
Josiah - "Fire of the Lord" / "Intuitive Perception"
Abigail - "Joy of the Father" / "Cherished of God"
Dianne - "Divine" / "Glorious"
2 weeks ago today, on March 28th, those dreams came true. While newborns are not the easiest thing in the world - what with the sleep deprivation, the seemingly constant need to be fed and changed - I find it, not necessarily easier, but definitely worth it when I think back over those years of waiting/wanting/desiring/aching for these two. I'm not gonna lie, I AM still looking forward to the future and those nights where he will sleep through the night just like his big sister... and so will we! I'm not wishing the days away by any means. Abigail's almost a year and a half now and I still can't believe how quickly that has flown by. I can only imagine how quickly the years ahead will fly by... especially with two!
I'm getting off track. Over the last two weeks, people have asked me many of the questions I've answered here. I'm feeling better and not near as sore as I was even a week ago (although I have no problem telling you that even though a c-section gave me faster [labor-wise] results, I'm not a huge fan of the recovery process)! And I'll be so glad when I can pick my little girl up again... which I'm hoping is soon. =) But the one other question I can answer that comes up a lot is: "What does Abigail think?" Well... at first meeting, we weren't so sure. She cried and cried and cried... even though John was holding her and Samuel lay sleeping in the hospital crib - we didn't think she could be that jealous if neither of us was holding him. But ever since we all got home, her response has been: "BAY-by!" and blowing him kisses whenever she walks by. We're still figuring out how to teach her to be easy and how to discern when she's trying to "help" or just be a toot. Haha! But so far, she seems to love her little brother... and he seems to love her - he's definitely used to her noises! =)
All this to say, our family is adjusting. We've had an amazing outpouring of love from our family, our friends, our church family and even some people we barely know. Thank you for the many comments, "likes", meals, gifts, cards, and just general help that has been offered. We are so blessed to be loving on our babies... and to know that so many others share in our joy and will love them as they grow as well.

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