Thanksgiving may be tomorrow but let's face it... by the time I finish writing this, it will probably BE tomorrow!
As I reflect this year on what I'm thankful for, there are so many things that I could and probably should name. But what comes to mind the most at present is laughter. Laughter is such a wonderful thing. Laughing with loved ones just makes me feel closer to them in a way, a way I can't explain. Whether you're playing a game, chatting over dinner or ice cream (or - dare I say it? - a Triple Chocolate Meltdown!), or even recollecting favorite parts of a movie... I love those feelings of being drawn closer together through laughter.
I'm not even sure how many years it's been since I first dreamed of having a little boy. I know John and I were still living in Chickasha - meaning we were basically still newlyweds. There have been many times since then that I've dreamed of him... some of those times causing a literal ache in my heart to get to meet him. Of course, I had the same feelings with Abigail when I first met her in my dreams 4-5 years ago. Abigail was an obvious joy and delight, especially with her daddy (hence the name Abigail meaning "Joy of the Father").
But even with Abigail's arrival, I hoped God would still fulfill the dreams of the past and grant us a son in the future... our little Samuel Josiah. And now, he's on the way! People keep asking me what we're going to name him. Samuel Josiah is what we picked several years ago. We love the meanings of both and it's been his name for years already! But not long after I found out I was pregnant this time around, I just wanted to call him Isaac. Isaac not only means "Child of Promise" but, even more fittingly to my life right now, it means "Laughter". I laughed hysterically when I found out we were pregnant again! John... not so much... but I have on many occasions just thinking of God's timing. (The timing being almost 10 years for Abigail and then less than 10 months before we find out another one is on the way!) I laugh at God's surprises... the good ones! I rejoice in getting to finally meet my little boy for the first time.
Last year, just a couple of weeks before Abigail was born, I remember attending a Steven Curtis Chapman concert. He picked up his ukulele and began playing, explaining that he'd asked God, "Why a ukulele?" when he'd initially felt the urge to play it. Then it was like God told him, "Because you need to smile again". He continued, "And I found out, you can't play the ukulele without smiling... and nodding your head side to side..." (Disclaimer: I'm sure it's not EXACTLY what he said... but it was along those lines and you get the idea.)
At that point, I could smile and appreciate what was meant in the story. I knew I needed that kind of smile again, though my pain was nowhere near what that family has suffered. But when I found out this little one - who occasionally seems to dance inside of my womb - was a boy... I couldn't and can't help but think of those words: "Because you need to smile [laugh] again." So if we name him Samuel Josiah and you ever hear me call him Isaac... well... now you'll know why! He is not only my "child of promise"... he is my child of "laughter".
To sum up: This year, as I reflect on what I'm most thankful for, I'm overwhelmed by what God has done over this past year. Heartache has turned to healing, sorrow has turned to joy, and tears... well... now there's laughter that are sometimes accompanied by tears! But more than just laughter in itself, God has been bringing me back to a place of trusting Him and remembering that He is faithful. He's been reminding me what it's like to laugh (sometimes, for seemingly no reason at all)!
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