I shared in a previous blog that we were blessed to stay in the Ronald McDonald Family Room while our sweet daughter was held in the NICU. Well, today I want to share a little bit more about this amazing charity.
John and I had heard about it before (we've had some friends and family who've stayed in other various R.M. Houses)... but you never know how much of money that you donate actually goes toward such a thing. Not to mention the basic and simple fact that we'd never experienced it before, so how could we know just how amazing this place would be!
As my release from the hospital drew nearer, we became more and more worried about where we were going to stay. There was no way we were going home... our baby was just going to be too far away! A few doctors and nurses told us about the Ronald McDonald House and that we could apply for it... so we did (every day). God was gracious... we got to stay there every night until her release.
I say got to because:
1) We had a bed to sleep in (just one floor above the NICU)

2) They had a fully stocked kitchen... in other words, we didn't have to buy any food for ourselves unless we just wanted to... AND they cooked supper for the families at night.

3) The living room and dining room even had a TV and games (including a Wii) to help pass the time - if desired.
4) Oh... and we not only managed to stay there at night... but they have "nap rooms" - which were the same rooms we had the night before (for the most-part) during the day (again, that you could apply for). Regardless of whether you got a "nap room" or not though, the Family Room was open to any of the NICU or Pediatric parents for rest or even just to hang out in for a while. Some people even rested in their cozy Reading Room.
5) They also had a place where we could do laundry... and even provided the detergent! This came in handy after a few nights and limited clothing.
All of this... for Free! How is this possible? Well, everything they had was by the donations of others (monetary or supplies such as food/drinks). If you are ever looking for a good cause to give to, here's one I highly recommend! I have seen it first-hand and been enormously blessed by it. They have an amazing ability to help countless families, families who would otherwise be sleeping in a lobby because they aren't leaving their children... families who might be paying for hotel rooms or having never-ending fast-food... families who are worn out just from worry and hoping their precious child is going to make it through.
Yes, people. This is a charity worth giving to. If you'd like to check them out and find ways you can give, please visit:
OR http://www.rmhcofarkoma.org